Friday, 3 May 2024

Xmas Aftermath: What To Do With Your Christmas Tree After Christmas

Xmas Aftermath: What To Do With Your Christmas Tree After Christmas
02 Sep

Finally, the festive season is gone. It’s like the Wild West out here- Pines all over the rug, broken tinsels wrapped around the dog’s neck, booze bottles rolling in the abyss.

And then you look at the best mistake of the season, wondering what to do with your Christmas tree. Taking it down makes it official: time to get back to joyless, cynical, and monotonous lives.

This year, you won’t have to drag it to the porch and leave it there. I’ve got better ideas for what you can do with your Christmas tree after Christmas.

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I’ll be honest; some of them are super-easy, while some are tough but fun. Take your pick. If you’re wondering what to do with your Christmas tree after Christmas, here are 10 ways to use that baby Groot.

1. Mulch it Down

If you have a lawn and you’ve been thinking of protecting it for a long time, now’s the chance to do it for free. Just clear your tree of any plasticky stuff and put it through the chipper.

Your mulch is ready. Spread it all around the garden as needles enrich the soil to its fullest. A bag of Mulch costs $5; you’ll get enough from your Christmas tree to make it through the lawn, and you can save a couple of hundreds.

2. Good ol’ Firewood

The first mainstream thought that comes to your mind when trying to figure out what to do with your Christmas tree after Christmas is to chop it up and put it in fire—WRONG! That’s dangerous.

You can definitely do that, but don’t put wood in the fireplace inside the four walls. It spurts out frightening sparks that can catch fire. You can use it as firewood while you’re having a bonfire outside.

As for the fireplace inside, you can craft little fire starters. Put pine needles in cardboard egg cartons and melt some wax in it. After that, watch them burn and smell Christmas vibes the whole year!

3. Compost that Thing

Do you know that Christmas tree leaves are good for the soil, just like they are for feeding the goats? Now there might be the slightest chance that you don’t have goats, so compost it.

You can just dig up a hole in your garden; pick out the tinsels and decorations, break that pine tree into pieces, and put it in the hole.

Cover it back up with the soil and with afflux of time, you’ll see the effect it has on the mineral content. If you’re wondering what to do with your Christmas tree after Christmas, give your lawn a New Year’s gift.

4. DIY Coasters

There’s one thing that never goes out of style (or off coffee tables) and that is coasters. Mark my words when I say this, fellow human- Wooden coasters will never go out of style.

Convert your Xmas tree into coasters ASAP. Slice ‘em in thick yet thin pieces, all you need is some Lacquer to give it a remarkable finish.

You have wooden coasters at your disposal without effort. I guarantee you can pull out at least 8 to 12 units of coasters from one tree.

5. BYOB—Build your Own Bird-Nest

Watch your lawn come to life- your Christmas tree will invite new guests to your humble abode. From birds to squirrels to rabbits (yes, rabbits!), you’ll find everything in there if you place your Christmas tree outside.

Get a couple of bird-feeders and in place of decorations, hang those bird-food counters. The birds will start coming in almost instantly. To bring in squirrels, put some pinecones on the tree. And rabbits? Well, they’ll just get there.

6. Talk to the Tree Seller

It might not be too late- If you don’t know what to do with your Christmas tree after Christmas, the person who sold it to you might be interested in taking it back.

You might get some money back if you’re lucky, but either way, you get rid of the tree. A tip for next Christmas: Talk to the tree seller in advance if he’d be interested in taking back the tree.

7. Got Fish? Beautify the Tank

Do you ever feel that your fish might get bored of the same old stuff in the fishbowl/tank? If you cut the right bushes, you can decorate the fish tank with your Christmas tree.

Bushes often provide much-needed protection to fish when they fall into ponds, making them an important component of the ecosystem. That’s what you’re going to do with your Christmas tree after Christmas.

Put some small bushes in the fishbowl, and if you have a big tank, you can dip the big bush as well. Just make sure that you remove all fake decorations and clean the tree up. You might have to change the water more frequently after this.

8. Decorate the Lawn

Nothing suits a Christmas tree more than placing it in its natural habitat… but in bits and pieces. You can light up your lawn with Christmas charm by cutting logs of pinewood and placing it systematically on the hedge.

The lawn literally smells of Christmas if you do so. As for the bushes, you can plant them on the edges and wait for pine needles to fall (remember? They are good for the soil). That’s a lot better than throwing it in the trash.

9. Savor some Pine Tea

Did you know that Pine needles are a great source of Vitamin C? Now chomping on those pine needles might be too extreme, but we can obtain that C-energy if we brew up the pine needles in 2 cups of water.

Add a spoonful of honey and voila! Pine tea is ready to be sipped and slurped. If you are a nature-freak and organic food lover, pine tea will trickle your taste buds. Also, you know what to do with your Christmas tree after Christmas.

10. Re-plant it

Spoiler Alert: This is extremely boring and a tedious process; do it with interest and caution. If the answer to the question ‘What to do with your Christmas tree after Christmas’ was planting it again (and it was easy), we would’ve put it on #1.

But guess what, it is a tedious task that hardly ever pays returns. But if you plan to use the homegrown Christmas tree next festive season, our pals at Gardening Know How teach how to re-plant a Christmas tree. Check it here.

Christmas was fun while it lasted. Glittering tinsels, lights, glass balls, and candy canes dangling from pine trees are a joy to watch- only for a while. After that, the big festive tree becomes a burden.

This time, you don’t have to throw your Christmas tree out on the curb. You know what to do with your Christmas tree after Christmas. This New Year, make the most of it while you knock your trees out!


Tags: christmas, Life & Travel


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