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Archives : Sep-2021

17 Simple Yet Effective Ways To Save Money On Amazon
29 Sep

17 Simple Yet Effective Ways To Save Money On Amazon

Amazon, the pioneer e-commerce site needs no introduction. No matter where you are, finding a box with Amazon printed on it is never far away. Such is the level of penetration that Amazon has done into our lives. It is almost as if Amazon knows what our hearts long for […]

How to Solve Your Credit Score Woes with a Credit Builder Loan
28 Sep

How to Solve Your Credit Score Woes with a Credit Builder Loan

An excellent credit score is essential vital for your financial mobility. Are you struggling to build or rebuild your credit score? Are you wondering if there are solutions out there that can work for you? Here’s some great news. There are various ways to build or re-build your credit right […]

What Happens if I Stop Paying My Credit Card Bills? Do I Go Scot-Free?
27 Sep

What Happens if I Stop Paying My Credit Card Bills? Do I Go Scot-Free?

Admit it or not, we all love the rules of law and we love following them. We are bound to live by the rules. They keep society’s sanity intact. But at least once in our life, we have thought of being an outlaw, haven’t we? Life happens—leaving you in the […]

Business Line of Credit: What it is, the Best Lenders and Making it Work for You
26 Sep

Business Line of Credit: What it is, the Best Lenders and Making it Work for You

If you are a small or medium business owner, the highs and lows of doing business are not strange. A lot of these swings have got to do with the company’s financials or operations. Seasonal demands for credit caused by time gaps between revenue realization and working capital needs can […]

How to Pay off Any Amount of Credit Card Debt—9 Steps to Follow
26 Sep

How to Pay off Any Amount of Credit Card Debt—9 Steps to Follow

The problem of debt is often compared to a mountain—a mountain of extraterrestrial wrath. We feel weak on our knees and chills creep up our spines when we look at our debt figure— a five to a six-digit number that sports the devil’s shadow. But the truth is that debt […]

Soak Up the Sun in the Golden State: 10 Cheapest Cities to Live in California
24 Sep

Soak Up the Sun in the Golden State: 10 Cheapest Cities to Live in California

California’s charm is indescribable. California is not a place, it’s a feeling. It is almost as if God has conspired California to be a window to the heavens. It is bestowed with the best of nature’s allure; redwood jungles in the north to the sun-kissed beaches in the south, California […]

The US Tariff Hike will Cost Americans $6 Billion & Your Money’s in there too
24 Sep

The US Tariff Hike will Cost Americans $6 Billion & Your Money’s in there too

If you’ve been reading the news, you surely know a tad bit about the Game of Trades between the US of A and China. After President Trump announced a $200B increase in duties on Chinese imports, China retaliated with a $60 B  raise in tariffs. The Trump Administration justifies the […]

The 7 Step Guide to Fixing Your Credit Score, and Keeping it in Great Shape
23 Sep

The 7 Step Guide to Fixing Your Credit Score, and Keeping it in Great Shape

Although radio show host, author, and financial expert Dave Ramsey says credit scores are not all that important, it’s an inevitable reality Americans have to live with. After all, we love to spend what we don’t have. A recent report by the Federal Reserve revealed that consumer debt in America […]

Learn How to Manage Your Money Better: Safeguard Your Future in 10 Steps
23 Sep
Here’s your 10 minute Guide to a Worry-Free Retirement
23 Sep

Here’s your 10 minute Guide to a Worry-Free Retirement

Would you believe that 85 percent of American pre-retirees dread retirement? That’s according to a poll done by Greenwald & Associates for the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS). The report paints a grim picture of the financial state of senior citizens in America. It states that nearly 25 percent […]