Saturday, 27 July 2024

Tag : financial advice

26 Oct

The 6 Best Credit Repair Companies—Bid Adieu to Bad Credit

Creditworthiness is crucial. The cornerstone of financial wellbeing rests on integrity, honesty, and trust. A credit score is one such instrument that makes it a whole lot easier to understand one’s financial standing. Although credit scores form a crucial part of one’s financial pocketbook and people go beyond the longest […]

23 Aug

Strong COVID-19 Rebound Helps Vermont Lead the Best States for Saving Money

Updated on Monday, August 23, 2021 Saving money is the foundation of pretty much all financial advice. Fruitful savings can help consumers avoid debt, earn passive income and work toward financial goals like buying a house, not to mention having emergency funds available. But most Americans, for various reasons, don’t […]

15 Feb

Here’s Exactly How to Confirm Your Financial Advisor’s Qualifications

Jamie Cattanach iStock Hiring a financial advisor can be an excellent way to maximize your financial strategy and ensure you’re doing all you can to meet your money-related goals. A qualified financial professional can set you up for success, whether it’s planning, saving or investing you need help with. Just […]

07 Feb

7 Things to Consider When Choosing a Robo-Advisor — Besides Performance

Roger Wohlner Robo-advisors are automated investing platforms that utilize algorithms to automate the investment of client portfolios. Technology can add a lot to the investing process, but in deciding whether or not a robo-advisor is right for you, it’s important to ask a lot of questions and do your research. […]

15 Jan

7 Places to Find Free (or Almost Free) Investing Courses

Julie Ryan Evans iStock When it comes to investing success, you need a little luck and lot of know-how. While we can’t help with your luck, there are options aplenty when it comes to learning the ins and outs of investing. 7 low-cost investing courses you can take online Whether […]

12 Dec

8 Investment Fees Every Investor Needs to Understand

Roger Wohlner While the focus in investing is often on returns, it’s important for investors to understand the impact of expenses on their investing results. An investor bulletin published by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) shows the effect of higher expenses on investment returns. They looked at the impact […]

11 Dec

What Does a Financial Advisor Do?

Julie Ryan Evans iStock Do you need a financial advisor? The short answer is no — you don’t need one. With enough research and know-how, you can do much of what a financial advisor does on your own. The real question to ask is this: Will a financial advisor help […]

23 Nov

What’s a Financial Advisor and Do You Need One?

Dori Zinn When you’re just starting out in your investing journey, you may feel a bit overwhelmed about where to put your money. If you’re looking for real help, you might turn to a financial advisor. But what is a financial advisor, and how do they differ from others giving […]