Saturday, 27 July 2024

Tag : Saving money

23 Aug

Strong COVID-19 Rebound Helps Vermont Lead the Best States for Saving Money

Updated on Monday, August 23, 2021 Saving money is the foundation of pretty much all financial advice. Fruitful savings can help consumers avoid debt, earn passive income and work toward financial goals like buying a house, not to mention having emergency funds available. But most Americans, for various reasons, don’t […]

17 Feb

Investing For Beginners: What’s Holding You Back?

Ever wondered why personal finance and life’s general wisdom have so much in common? If you look at the personal finance advice on the internet today, you will notice that the essence of all such pieces on the internet doesn’t seem like an extraterrestrial entity. In fact, they all appear […]

07 Dec

Sallie Mae Loan Consolidation Is Over, But Here Are Some Options

Rebecca Safier Yasuo Namba via iStock Sallie Mae has a long history in the student loan world. Since the 1970s, this student loan giant has provided or serviced loans for college and graduate school students, as well as their parents. Although Sallie Mae used to be government-sponsored, it’s now a […]

21 Nov

How to Invest in Stocks in 4 Steps

Dori Zinn If you have extra cash lying around, you could put it into a savings account and reserve it for a rainy day — or you could use it to earn even more money. That’s where investing comes in. Saving money is a good habit, and you should set […]

03 Nov

The Ultimate Guide to Handling Your Emergency Fund

Carissa Chesanek iStock Unexpected expenses have a way of popping up at the worst possible times. A good way to be prepared is having an emergency fund. An emergency fund is money put aside to use when something comes up and you need money right away. One example of an […]